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Microsoft Access, when basic desktop application is not enough anymore

Are you considering Access to your company or does an existing database performance need a boost?

With the right hands database structure and the user interface can be created rapidly. Yet the developer should have deep knowledge database application development before jumping into any big projects.

We have the necessary experience. By combining the knowledge and tools we can plan and create a database from scratch, connect to an existing one, improve your current database performance or to create a full measured application that fits right to your needs.

Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Retrieve Your favorite (NYSE) Stocks with our Excel tool
Microsoft Excel, Access VBA Developing Services
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Published advice on related questions
Populate a Multi-column Combobox with a 2D array on Access
Multiple Search Text at the same time using Forms in Microsoft Access Database
VBA comboBox multicolumn remove blank row and specific value listed
Time parameters for Google search

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